Training K3 Process Safety Management (PSM)
II.Sasaran dan Manfaat Training K3 Process Safety Management (PSM)
- Peserta diharapkan memahami konsep process safety management.
- Peserta diharapakan mampu menerapak process safety management di tempat kerja.
- Peserta diharapkan mampu menjaga dan meningkatkan process safety management di tempat kerja.
- Staf/Manager Produksi,
- Laboratorium dan
- Maintenance Engineering
- Staf/Manager K3
- TRAINER yang berpengalaman dalam bidang Process Safety Management (PSM)
III.Outline Training K3 Process Safety Management (PSM)
- Introduction to PSM and its origins and goals
- Overview of PSM standards and regulations world-wide, definitions, compliance interpretations
- Elements of PSM:
- Human error basics
- Elements missing from most PSM systems, including specific human factor aspects, management commitment & accountability, and project risk management
- Employee participation
- Trade secrets
- Process safety information
- Operating procedures
- Hot work permit/safe work
- Training
- Contractors
- Process hazard analysis
- Management of change
- Mechanical integrity
- Pre-startup safety review
- Emergency planning and response
- Incident investigation
- Compliance auditing
- Key Performance Indicators, Leading Indicators, and Tracking
- Summary of roles and responsibilities
- Developing PSM programs and implementation planning
- Best Practice Sharing
IV.Fasilitas Training K3 Process Safety Management (PSM)
- Hard / Soft Copy Materi Training
- Sertifikat Training
- 2x coffee break
- Makan Siang
V.Tempat Training K3 Process Safety Management (PSM)
- Open Schedule 2 hari training (Mulai Pukul 09.00-16.00 WIB)
- (Dengan peserta maksimal 10 orang)
VI.Investasi Training K3 Process Safety Management (PSM)
- Pendaftaran peserta : Rp. 3,750,000,- (Tiga Juta Tujuh Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)
- Belum termasuk biaya Hotel dan Akomodasi
- Rp. 2.000.000/peserta 1 hari pelatihan full materi (khusus Online Training dengan minimal running 3-5 peserta)Untuk Online Marekting silahkan menghubungi :
Mobile 1: 0812-8429-5484/Simpati (Fina)
Mobile 2: 0857-8053-3932/Indosat (Dilla)
VII.Tempat Pelaksanaan Pelatihan:
- Depok, 11-12 Januari 2022
- Jakarta, 25-26 Januari 2022
- Bogor, 9-10 Februari 2022
- Bandung, 22-23 Februari 2022
- Yogyakarta, 14-15 Maret 2022
- Depok, 28-29 Maret 2022
- Jakarta, 16-17 Juni 2022
- Bogor, 27-28 Juni 2022
- Bandung, 4-5 Juli 2022
- Yogyakarta, 25-26 Juli 2022
- Depok, 1-2 Agustus 2022
- Jakarta, 22-23 Agustus 2022
- Bogor, 13-14 September 2022
- Bandung, 26-27 September 2022
- Yogyakarta, 10-11 Oktober 2022
- Depok, 25-26 Oktober 2022
- Jakarta, 16-17 November 2022
- Bogor, 28-29 November 2022
- Bandung, 5-6 Desember 2022
- Yogyakarta, 19-20 Desember 2022
Tempat dan waktu bisa diubah, dengan menghubungi Staff Online Marketing terlebih dahulu.
- INFO JASA Consultant & Team.
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Phone/Fax : 021-7715137
Mobile :+62 821-2443-2399 – Achmad